This website was written by Yuli Tshuva at YOLO lab.
Welcome to the Pretwin Screen Project Biometry Calculator. This data is from a multinational, multicentred prospective study involving 527 twin pregnancies without major malformations and low-risk, non-invasive prenatal screening. The study was presented at the 21st World Congress of the Fetal Medicine Foundation in Lisbon, Portugal, in June 2024.
Please note the following information: chorionicity, gestational age in weeks and days,
and estimated fetal weight for each twin. After that, press submit.
Discordance between the fetuses will be calculated using the following equation: (larger
twin weight - smaller twin weight) / larger twin weight × 100. A discordance of 20% or
greater should be discussed with a fetal medicine expert and prompt more
intensive fetal monitoring.
By entering multiple gestational ages and fetal weight estimates, you can create a
growth curve for both fetuses.
It is imperative to verify all calculations before use. The estimated results cannot and should not replace clinical judgment. The creators of the Pretwin Screen Project, as well as any other individuals, organizations, or parties involved in the preparation or publication of this website, shall not be liable for any special or consequential damages resulting, in whole or in part, from the use of or reliance upon the results or values generated by the calculators or other information included on this website.